Rather than explaining it in my own words, I thought I would quote the 'about' section of the website instead...
The month of June is the best kind of summer school you can ever imagine — it’s Adult Sex Ed Month (#AdultSexEdMonth)! It’s a month that’s packed with the basic how-to’s to master tips on everything you wanted to know about sex from the top sex bloggers and experts. Topics range from vanilla to kinky. Stories are for for gays and straights as well as for virgins to seniors. Maybe you want to learn something new, learn how to do something better, or just want to learn or understand something you’re not familiar with.How brilliant is THAT?
No matter how experienced we are, there is always something to be learnt and knowledge to be
Equally, for those who are inexperienced when it comes to sex, or are curious about a facet of sex they are yet to experience, what better way to get *real* information, from people who have 'been there done that', or are well informed on the matter at hand.
Whether it is something simple like 'How to Undress a Man', 'The Dos and Don'ts of Safe Sexting', 'The Sex Before the Sex'...
OR something a bit more specific, such as 'The Art of Fingering', 'Five Ways to do it Doggy Style', 'Having Sex After Having a Baby'...
OR something you wouldn't exactly ask your parents for advice on, such as 'Interested in Bondage - How Sex Furniture Can Help', 'Rimming - the Ins and Outs of Anal Play', 'Your First Time in a Threesome'
... Adult Sex Ed Month has information on it all... and more, much much much more.
(links given are blog posts direct from the Adult Sex Ed Month archive)

My wife has insisted I write about performing oral sex on woman, from a womans point of view... and that is what I plan to do!
(... I am guessing that 'having a notepad and pen by my side while I am going down on my wife, so I can stop and write notes', would be classified under the 'not sexy, more than potential mood-kill' category.)
If you want more information:
check out Adult Sex Ed Month on Facebook
check out Adult Sex Ed Month on Twitter
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