Up until now all of my excerpts have contained sex... because let's face it, erotica is writing with a focus on sex. That said, my writing also has a strong emotional basis and if we are being specific, my writing is more erotic romance than plain ol' erotica.
With all of that in mind, I decided that it was time that I should post an excerpt which involves no sex whatsoever. No pussy, no cock, no boobs, no thrusting, no slamming, no clenching, no shuddering, no orgasming, no collapsing in a semi conscious orgasmed-out state. I know that sex is the prime reason most people read erotica, but I also know there are people out there like myself who enjoy learning about the characters away from the bedroom.

As well as being the father of Leah's baby boy (Luca), Beau is going to take on the role of father to Jane's baby. A far cry from Lucy and Jane's original plan of raising a child together without any paternal involvement. Asher, the biological father of Jane's baby is still very much in their lives, but is happy to take on a 'special uncle' type role in Ryan's life. Not long after Jane got pregnant Asher met Lucy and the two of them are blissfully in love and looking forward to starting a family of their own one day.
Their situation might not be 'the norm' and they may raise a lot of eyebrows, but the trio are extremely happy together and not following their hearts was never really an option.
We join the happy threesome when Jane is very close to her due date. She's frustrated, she's uncomfortable, she's angry, she is over it, and while Leah and Beau have been doing what they can to help both know the only thing that will really help is their son, Ryan, being born.
This is one of my favourite scenes I have ever written, partly because I am very much a happily-ever-after kind of girl, but also because I am fascinated by childbirth... and enjoy writing the type of scenario that is a far cry from my own birthing experiences (I was a single mum and had cesarean sections... I had my parents and sister for support, but still feel as if I missed out on a huge part of the birthing experience). I guess writing is a way to kind of experience the type of births I wish I had been able to experience.
I hope you enjoy!
Beau and Jane had
sex everyday but still, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all
passed with no baby... and no more contractions. On Thursday night
Jane went to bed early after announcing she was officially over being
pregnant, telling Leah and Beau to go out and do something because
she was sick of snapping at them.
Leah and Beau both
wanted to stay at home with Jane but it was clear she needed time
alone so they went over to see Asher instead. Lucy was arriving home
the next day and Asher had told Beau at work that day that time was
dragging by painfully slowly, so Beau and Leah decided they would go
over and keep him company. Leah spent most of the night cuddled up
against Beau on the couch and Asher commented a few times that he
couldn't wait until it was him and Lucy curled up on the couch
together. Leah had suggested the only thing they would be doing on
the couch for the next few days was having sex and Asher hadn't
denied it for a second. Unsurprisingly.
Leah and Beau got
home just after eleven – a lot later than intended – but were
both happy to see Jane was still asleep. They went to bed and ended
up having sex... it had been a while since the two of them had had
sex because both of them had been more focused on Jane than each
other! After Leah had fallen asleep Beau spent twenty minutes
rubbing her belly and quietly talking to Luca as he kicked the hell
out of his hand. He really had no idea how Leah could sleep through
such a physical battering, but knew her orgasm probably had something
to do with it.
Beau wasn't sure how
long he'd been asleep, but he woke briefly when Jane got up to go to
the toilet... it was such a common occurance now that he went
straight back to sleep.
Beau woke up again
and while he wasn't surprised to find Jane was in the bathroom again,
he couldn't shake the feeling that something had startled him awake.
As he started to drift off again Beau was aware of a noise coming
from the bathroom... he was sure he could hear water and wondered if
perhaps he was imagining it. Deciding that he was imagining it Beau
allowed sleep to take over again but the next time he woke up he KNEW
a loud noise from the bathroom had woken him. Jane still wasn't in
bed and Beau was suddenly... not concerned, but curious. He got out
of bed and walked to the ensuite, prepared to find Jane looking
What he was NOT
prepared for was to find Jane in the bath clasping her belly and
breathing through what was very obviously a strong contraction. Beau
raced over to the bath and she clasped his hand, squeezing it tightly
as she continued breathing through her contraction. When it was over
she looked at him with panic in her eyes.
“They are close
Beau. So close. And painful, oh god they are painful,” Jane said
in between deep breaths.
“How close are we
talking?” he asked having a feeling they would be call-the-midwife
close together.
“I don't know but
they're clo...” Jane started and then moaned in pain as another
contraction hit and she clamped down on his hand again.
“I'm getting my
phone so we can time the next contraction, I will be right back,”
Beau said trying not to convey how panicked he was.
He went into the
room and put a pair of boxers on then got his phone and joined Jane
back in the bathroom. A minute later another contraction hit. Beau
was prepared with the cellphone stopwatch and started it while Jane
squeezed his other hand as she tried to breathe through the
contraction. When it stopped he looked nervously at his phone and
when the next contraction started he was shocked to find the
contractions were only two minutes apart.
“I'm ringing the
midwife and waking Leah up. They are fucking close together...”
Beau said and then raced from the bathroom and over to Leah's side of
the bed.
“Leah wake up,”
Beau said quietly and Leah moaned. “Wake up!” he said a bit
“No,” Leah
replied sleepily.
“Fucking get up,
Jane is in the bath very much in labour and I don't know if we're
going to make it to the hospital,” Beau yelled and before he could
even blink Leah was up and out of the bed, running for the bathroom.
Beau rang the
midwife and explained what was happening and when he told her how
close the contractions were she had muttered 'fuck' and told him she
would be there as soon as she could be and would assess whether or
not it was worth trying to make it to the hospital in time. The
midwife then instructed him to get in the bath with Jane and told him
that if Jane said anything about pushing before she got there, he
needed to be prepared for the possibility he would be delivering the
baby. Beau didn't say goodbye as he hung up the phone and raced back
into the bathroom where Leah was helping Jane through a contraction.
Beau told them that the midwife was on her way as he got in the bath
with Jane. When the next contraction hit Jane held one of his hands
and one of Leah's as she moaned in agony.
“I'm sorry. Woke
up in.. pain... at one... got in the bath... and... it didn't go
away... just... got worse,” Jane explained.
“Don't talk baby,
try and catch your breath before the next one,” Leah said
“I'm not going to
be giving birth in the hospital, am I,” Jane gasped just before her
next contraction hit.
Leah looked at him
and he shook his head. Leah suddenly looked terrified and he felt
absolutely useless. Jane was in more pain than any man would ever
experience and Leah was having to deal with seeing her girlfriend in
that much pain. It can't have been easy for either of them, and it
made him feel utterly pointless. There was a loud pounding on the
door and Leah went to let the midwife in. Leah was soon back with
the midwife following close behind. After saying hello to all of them
the midwife proceeded to put her arm into the water so she could
examine Jane.
“You need to push
don't you,” the midwife asked and Jane nodded.
“I do, I really
do,” Jane gasped.
“Right, this baby
is going to be born at home, so Leah, honey, I need you to get me a
towel for drying the baby off and a blanket to wrap him in... a nappy
too,” the midwife said calmly. Leah walked quickly from the room
while the midwife turned to Jane and asked, “Do you want to birth
in the bath or somewhere else?”
“Bath,” Jane
said, breathing deeply.
“In that case do
you want me or someone else to catch the baby?” the midwife then
asked and Jane looked at Beau pleadingly.
“Can you?” she
asked him and he nodded, touched that she had asked him. Saying no
wasn't an option.
Leah came back in
with the blanket and the towel and for the next half hour she worked
with Beau, coaching Jane through the end stages of her labour. Beau
had no idea that women had to push for so long and as he watched Jane
push through contraction after contraction the love he felt for her
only served to increase. Looking at Leah, Beau could see that she
was freaking out but he thought she was doing a good job of covering
it up. Looking at their hands though, Beau wasn't too sure whether
it was Jane squeezing Leah's hand or if Leah was squeezing Jane's.
When the midwife
examined Jane again Beau was shocked when she announced that the baby
was crowning and that it was time for 'action stations' as she
referred to it. Beau had never ever felt so nervous in his life and
for a second considered telling the midwife she could deliver the
baby, but when Jane looked at him and smiled he knew there was no way
he could do that. Beau listened very carefully as the midwife
explained that when Jane pushed again Beau had to put a hand under
the baby's head and basically guide it out. Beau did just that and
was amazed as more and more of the baby's head came into his hand.
When the contraction passed Beau looked down and felt a lump in his
throat when he saw the baby's head
The midwife quickly
explained that with the next contraction, the baby would be born and
that he would need to gently guide the baby's shoulders out and then
be ready to 'catch' him before placing him on Jane's chest, being
careful of the umbilical cord. Beau looked at Leah who had tears in
her eyes and then at Jane who smiled at him for a second before the
next contraction took over.
Beau did as the
midwife had told him and guided the shoulders out then gasped as Ryan
slid out into the safety of his hands. Beau lifted the baby up and
placed him gently onto Jane's chest. While the midwife rubbed Ryan's
back with the towel Leah had brought her, Jane only had eyes for her
little boy.
The loud squeals of
the newborn filled the room as Leah leaned over and kissed Jane
before kissing Ryan gently on the head. Ryan was crying, Leah was
crying, Jane was crying... and Beau was surprised at how overcome by
emotion he was as well. He carefully got out of the bath and put a
towel around his waist then went over to Leah and hugged her. He
crouched down and kissed Jane and stroked the back of the tiny baby
he had just helped bring into the world. They watched as Ryan seemed
to naturally latch on to Jane's nipple and began to suckle for the
very first time.
It blew his mind to
think that when they had all gone to bed that night there was no baby
and now just a few hours later they were watching as Jane fed her
baby. Their baby.
The midwife
congratulated them all and then suggested that Beau go and get
dressed before he caught a cold and asked if they could make sure the
bed was ready for Jane and the newest member of their family. In the
bedroom Leah made her way into Beau's arms again and began to sob.
Beau held her as she cried and all the pent up emotion was
released... when she finally looked up at him all he could see on her
face was joy and he couldn't resist kissing her.
“I love you,”
Beau said and Leah giggled.
“I love you too,”
Leah replied.
“I guess Mr Luca
is next,” Beau stated as he put a hand on her belly and she grinned
at him.
“How about we just
enjoy Ryan before we start talking about THAT,” Leah suggested and
Beau smiled lovingly at her.
“I know you're
thinking about the pain Jane was in, but all that pain is over now,
and we are left with a little boy to love for the rest of our
lives... Kind of worth the pain don't you think,” Beau said softly
and Leah nodded.
“You can say that
though, you aren't going to be pushing a baby out your vagina in a
couple of months,” Leah teased and Beau chuckled.
“Come on mummy, let's get this bed ready for the other mummy and the first of our baby boys,” Beau said and Leah kissed him, then walked over to her side of the bed so they could straighten up the sheets.
“Come on mummy, let's get this bed ready for the other mummy and the first of our baby boys,” Beau said and Leah kissed him, then walked over to her side of the bed so they could straighten up the sheets.
With the bed made
Beau quickly put some clothes on and they went back through to the
bathroom and found the midwife holding a wrapped up Ryan.
“Which of you
wants the first cuddle?” the midwife asked smiling at them both.
“I think Leah has
been waiting longer than me,” Beau joked and the midwife walked
over to Leah and placed the tiny bundle in her arms. Beau stood
beside her with an arm around her waist and peered into the bundle of
blanket and felt tears come to his eyes as he focused on Ryan, who
was sleeping.
“He's so tiny,”
Leah whispered.
“He's beautiful,”
Beau agreed, his voice also a whisper.
“He really is,”
Leah sobbed quietly.
Beau watched as Leah
peppered gentle kisses on Ryan's face and found himself wishing that
it was time for Luca to be born as well... he couldn't wait to see
both of their babies together. The midwife interrupted his thoughts
and asked him to get an old towel that she could put the placenta on
when Jane delivered it. Beau did as asked and a few minutes later
Jane's birthing experience was over, with the baby and placenta both
The midwife
announced that it was time for Jane to get out of the bath and onto
the bed so she could examine her and make sure everything was as it
should be. Leah went into the bedroom with Ryan while Beau helped
the midwife get Jane from the bath to the bed. She was very weak,
but Beau was surprised that she still had enough energy to walk
through to the bedroom with their assistance.
Jane lay on the bed
in her robe and the midwife quickly examined her and when she had
finished told them quite happily that everything looked okay. After
the midwife had excused herself so she could examine the placenta a
bit more closely Leah handed Ryan to Jane and got in the bed beside
her. Deciding to do something useful Beau went and made them all a
cup of tea and when he brought them through Jane looked at him
“God, I need one
of those... it feels like I pushed a baby out of my vagina just now.
Oh wait, I did!” Jane exclaimed and then giggled.
“You did such a
good job,” Leah said and then kissed Jane.
“I really had no
choice,” Jane commented and Leah laughed.
“I guess not,”
Leah replied.
“And when it's
time for you.. you will do a good job too, my love,” Jane reassured
Leah who smiled nervously at her.
“I guess I'll have
no choice,” Leah said with a nervous wink.
The midwife came out
and asked if she could examine Jane again. Jane carefully handed
Ryan to Leah and let the midwife do her examination. The midwife
said that everything looked great and that if Jane didn't mind she
was going to go home to try and get another hour or two of sleep and
that she would come back over around 8am. Jane told her that was
fine and the midwife reminded them all that she was only a phone call
away and that if they had ANY concerns whatsoever that they could
ring her. It turned out the midwife only lived a few minutes away
from their house so she could get over quickly if needed. A fact
they all found reassuring.
Beau saw the midwife
out and thanked her for everything she had done. She smiled at him
and told him that she hadn't really done anything and it was Jane –
and him – who had done all the work. After saying goodbye Beau
closed the door and walked back through to the bedroom where he found
Leah cuddling Ryan while Jane lay back smiling at her. Beau walked
over to Leah and peeked at Ryan who was still asleep... he couldn't
take his eyes off him, he was such a perfect, beautiful baby! Leah
gasped and Beau looked at her.
“What's wrong?”
he asked and Leah went bright red.
“Oh my god. You
haven't even held him yet!” Leah exclaimed and Beau chuckled.
“Not sure if
you're aware but he's not going anywhere... you can do your bonding
and then I'll do mine,” Beau said rubbing her back but Leah shook
her head.
“No! Blame preggy
brain.. You must be wanting a hold so badly!” Leah remarked and
Beau knew he wasn't going to win this little battle.
Not that he minded.
Leah placed Ryan into his arms and his first instinct was to lift the
little baby up and kiss his forehead. Again he found he couldn't
take his eyes off him and he knew he was smiling the entire time he
was looking at him. As he studied Ryan's face, Beau felt immensely
guilty when he thought about the fact he had considered pretending
his own child didn't exist. He knew a lot had changed since then and
that in reality it had been less than 24 hours that he'd felt that
way for, but he still felt awful about it. Thank God he had realised
early on that that wasn't an option... he would have missed out on so
much and probably wouldn't have fallen in love with two amazing women
in the process.
“You look so
natural,” Jane commented and Beau smiled at her.
“Probably because
it's a similar shape to a rugby ball,” Beau teased and Jane
“No, I think
you're just a natural daddy,” Jane replied and he smiled gratefully
at her. He hoped that was the case.
“What time was he
actually born?” Beau asked and Leah picked up Jane's midwifery
“Says here that he
was born at 3.43am” Leah announced.
“And what time do
you think you went into labour?” Beau asked and Jane yawned.
“Um it was 1am
when I started having the really bad pains,” Jane told them. “But
after I went to bed I kept waking up feeling really uncomfortable,”
she added. “I think the first time I woke up it was just before
8,” she said frowning, obviously trying to remember.
“So at the most
you were in labour for about seven hours,” Beau exclaimed and Jane
“I guess so,”
she replied yawning loudly.
“Why don't you two
try and get a little sleep and I will look after Ryan,” Beau
suggested and Jane smiled at him.
“You don't have to
Beau, you must be tired too,” Jane replied but Beau could see she
was seconds away from going to sleep.
“I didn't just go
through seven hours of labour. You get some sleep, when Ryan starts
crying I will bring him through to you so you can feed him,” Beau
told Jane who admitted defeat and nodded.
“I just need an
hour...” Jane yawned and closed her eyes.
“Before you try to
tell me you don't need sleep, don't bother. You need sleep woman,
and I refuse to let you out of this bedroom until you've done just
that,” Beau told Leah sternly and she smiled sleepily at him.
“You're so bossy,”
Leah stated as she cuddled up to Jane.
Beau had a feeing
they were probably both asleep before he'd even left the bedroom.
After all the activity over the past couple of hours it felt strange
to be sitting in silence. With a baby. Ryan was still asleep and
while Beau knew he should probably put him in the bassinet to sleep,
Beau felt unable to put the little man down. He had never ever spent
so long fixated on one thing and when the newborn began crying Beau
was surprised to see it was over an hour since he had left Leah and
Jane to sleep. Beau took Ryan through to the bedroom and Jane
quickly woke up when she heard him crying. Beau was amazed at how
quickly Jane was sitting up and holding her arms out to take her
baby. Obviously the mummy instinct kicked in straight away. Leah
was sitting up by the time Jane had latched Ryan on, and as Jane fed
him they all watched in silence. It really was a beautiful sight,
and a special moment in their relationship.
After Ryan had
finished feeding, Jane suggested that Leah choose an outfit for him
to wear and she came back from the nursery with a green and yellow
striped onesie, claiming that it had been too hard to choose
something so she'd picked the first outfit she'd found. Beau watched
as Jane dressed Ryan and topped the outfit off with the woolen hat
that the midwife had put on him when she'd wrapped him up in the
blanket earlier. After wrapping him in the blanket Jane picked Ryan
up and then looked at Beau.
“Do you mind if I
get a little bit more sleep?” Jane asked shyly and Beau shook his
“Of course not
baby, you get all the sleep you need. I'll bring him through again
when he starts to cry, unless you are awake before then,” Beau
informed her. “You can sleep a bit more too madam,” he directed
at Leah.
“Fine, but it's almost my normal waking time so don't expect me to sleep for hours!” Leah exclaimed.
“Fine, but it's almost my normal waking time so don't expect me to sleep for hours!” Leah exclaimed.
“Uh, at seven do
you think you could ring Asher and make up some story to get him over
here? Pretend that we have some odd craving. He'll be up anyway
because he'll be excited about Lucy... Just don't tell him Ryan is
here,” Jane said and Beau gasped.
“I hadn't even thought about Asher! He was going to be at the birth!” Beau exclaimed feeling like the worst friend in the world.
“I hadn't even thought about Asher! He was going to be at the birth!” Beau exclaimed feeling like the worst friend in the world.
“It all happened
so quick Beau, I'm sure Asher will understand why you didn't call,”
Jane assured him. “Should probably ring your mum too,” she
suggested and Beau nodded.
“You two try to
sleep, me and Ry will be chilling in the lounge,” Beau told them
and then gave both of them a kiss and left the room.
As it was Beau
didn't need to wait until seven to ring Asher because Asher text him
at 6.30am saying 'Presuming you'll be awake... uncomfortable pregnant
women and all... any chance you know how to speed up time? 10.30
can't arrive fast enough'. Beau smirked as he replied saying 'Of
course I'm awake, feel free to pop over... If you have the coffee we
have the bacon and mushrooms', and as he expected it didn't take long
for Asher to reply saying 'See you very soon then, will stop at the
petrol station, their coffee is 24/7'.
At 6.50 Beau went
through to the bedroom and found Leah and Jane whispering and
giggling in bed. Beau told them that Asher was on his way and after
kissing Ryan on the cheek he handed him to Jane so he could go back
into the lounge and pretend nothing was out of the ordinary when
Asher arrived.
Asher arrived at
7.00 with a tray of hot drinks and Beau could tell by the look of him
that he had been awake for a long time.
“Excited much?”
Beau teased and Asher laughed.
“Oh god you have
no idea,” Asher replied.
“Only three and a
half hours to go!” Beau exclaimed and Asher grinned at him.
“Where are the
girls? I thought they'd be up,” Asher commented and Beau managed
to keep a straight face.
“They are in the
bedroom, go and say hi if you want, they're just chatting,” Beau
“Probably should
grace them with my presence,” Asher joked as he walked toward the
Beau followed him in
and smirked when Asher stopped dead in his tracks.
“What the hell!”
Asher exclaimed and Jane giggled.
“Come here, there
is someone who wants to meet you,” Jane told him and he walked
slowly toward the bed.
“When did? What?
Last night you were... When the hell did this happen?” Asher asked
in disbelief as he made his way over to Jane's side of the bed and
sat down beside her, smiling as he took his first glimpse of Ryan.
“Jane... he's beautiful,” he exclaimed as he stroked Ryan's
“He is, isn't he,”
Jane replied sounding choked up. “Thank you...” she whispered as
she wiped the tears from her eyes.
“You have no idea
how glad I am I could help,” Asher replied and Beau could see that
his eyes weren't exactly dry either.
I love that story. And that excerpt in particular. <3