The rules for the award are as follows:
You must list the rules to the One Lovely Blog Award
You must thank the person(s) who nominated you and include a link to their blog
You must add seven facts about yourself
You must nominate 15 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated
You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you
So here we go...
Rachel! Thank you so much for nominating me! I came across Rachel's blog a couple of months ago when my wife insisted that I simply had to drop what I was doing and read a flash fiction she had found. The story was Rachel's 'En Route' and I was not disappointed! Rachel is very friendly on Twitter and there is always something interesting to read on her blog. She inspired me to start writing flash fiction and while I'm nowhere near as good as her I hope that one day I will come close! Make sure you check out her blog 'Rachel Woe'
Now for the seven facts about me... I hate doing these type of things but here goes!
1. Human Biology was my best subject at high school! It's the only subject I really excelled in and I am still proud for being awarded the prize for top student in the subject!
2. When it comes to snacks I am more of a savoury snacker than a sweet snacker
3. I am slightly (okay, extremely) addicted to buying books from my favourite second hand book store
4. I am 2/3 of the way through my Bachelor of Communication and for some unknown reason am considering beginning degree #2 (Bachelor of Arts majoring in Classical Studies) in 2016
5. When my best friend came to stay with me for 10 days at the end of 2011 I had no idea that by the time she left we would be madly in love
6. I have a pet Axolotl and I am pretty sure he died for a couple of hours in September, but he is very much alive now! I now call him the Zombie-lotl
7. I am allllllll about mint chocolate chip ice cream
And now for my nominations!
Lily Harlem
A Good Woman's Dirty Mind
Donuts and Desires
Christina Harding Erotica
Sheri Savill
Always the Good Girl
Between My Sheets
Rosanna Leo
My Little Vixen
I Married a Sex God
A Little Bit of Naughty
Leann Lane
Dena Celeste
DragonflyLady's Writey Ramblings
Rachel Cray Erotica
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